We light up your world...!!
Hexorion is a leading manufacturer of energy efficient LED based Lighting products, established in 2018 under Make In India program. We ,HEXORION, offer best and unique design of lights with advanced features and technologies to ensure the healthy and happy living environment.Lighting alone in India consumes approximate 20 % of the total power generated. Changes in consumption patterns can lead to a better & efficient utilization of the energy and there by energy saving. We know that 1 MW save equals to 2 MW generated. This scenario shows us that efficient utilization of energy is the only intelligent solution.With sufficient experience and exposure in handling products and managing distribution , we are now the whole sale dealer for LED lights in Kerala with a wide array of products like LED panel light, LED surface light, Cob light, Flood light, Outdoor light.
Why choose us?

Energy Efficient
When it comes to savings on your electricity bill, our products can help.All our products are developed in such a way to be energy efficient. That too without compromising on quality and safety standards

Our Mission
To be the leader in the segment of lighting with the commitment to provide quality energy efficient products to our customers on time.

Product Support 24/7
We are committed to our esteemed customers and are at your service any time as per requirement. We have a direct mobile contact where you can reach out. Support assured all the time.